Sunday, October 31, 2010

Snatch balance news

A mid-day set @ Crossfit Nordic, and the second for me this week. I feel much better now than at the start of the week as it felt I had a cold coming.  Tried a new exercise "snatch balance", and back an forth on the kipping technique that went sweet with the KTE--I'll now transfer the momentum to the pullups. The cardio run was useful as usual as it is easy to hide in the comfort zone. I slowed down in the middle messing up the time and performance, but "finished" (was up for 10 rounds, but settled for 7!) in great form.

WU with agility and burbees

Snatch-Balance. Sets in 5 and 10's @ 20, 30, 35 kg. The heaviest set were 4 @ 40 kg--which is as of now my new PR. Checked out some clips on the net and I'm sure I'll excel in this exercise (my OHS PR is 60kg).

Kipping pullups training mixed with Kipping Knees to Elbows in various combinations
- The KTE flowed nice, and we're trying to get the rhythm to the pullups :-)

Set of 7 rounds of
5 Knees to Elbows
Thrusters w. xx kg kettle bells
15 squats

Time: approx 17 min.

Breakfast: Egg & Bacon + Kvarg w. walnuts and berries
Lunch (after the workout): Salmon (fjärilar)
Dinner: Bacon infused burgers w. avocado and sallad ++

Other than that, getting adequate Sleep will be a priority this week!

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