Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Socks made the difference!

At the Gym - Crossfit Nordic at 09:30 on Friday - 15th February.

Started with agility that are staring to get much better -We ran through the set quicker today due to loss of some time but overall felt good for strength and tempo.

Warmup - Shoulders and agility

Lounge Step with Bar over head  - attention to detail and did them much better today as I say du due different and better socks (white tub-socsk instead of the more "slippery" deadlift long socks :-) )

2x10 20 kg
3x10 30 kg

5 Front Squat "w. jump - down position"
10 Front Squats 30 kg for practice and position

Series of 10-8-6-4-2
Pullups strict
Front Squats  60kg
Ring Dips (3-5 in each series - strict with hands-out position)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Re-fuel Tuesday

Tuesday mid-day : Back at the gym after two weeks -- one with traveling and one busy with work at the furniture fair. At the end of two weeks I'm defiantly in need of a boost and muscle workout!

Started out with agility and stretch.

Extra shoulder stretch

10 Lounge steps with bar over head 20 kg

3x10 Lounge steps with bar over head 30 kg

8/7/7 Pull-ups - big grips no kip

3x5 Quick front squats - jump up

3x5 Pushups in rings (fixed position with arms out)

3x15 Kettle Bell Swings 28 kg

Stomach/plankan 30 sec

Great set and fun start!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fast Forward - Great Tuesday Workout!

Fast forward to this week and Tuesday!

I had two great workouts last week that I put off to write ..and basically forget some off but will catchup soon!

Started out this week in great form -

Agility Warm Up
Stretch and Lounge walk with bar over head warm up & Front squats

12 pull-ups kipping style

3-or-4 sets x 10 reps  Lounge Walks  30 kg  (5 och each leg)

followed by 10 quick Front Squats 50 kg

3 sets of:

5 of High lift with bar  then 10 quick Dead lifts   (xx kg)
10 shoulder presses 10 kilos each dumbbells

3 x 30 seconds of Plankan (hit the board) in rings

Focus is to really get agility and base strength in shoulder, stomach and key area in top shape. We got thorough through each exercise and lifts maximizing my agility, flexibility and strength --which starts to give great results!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Strength and Determination

First session of 2013 @ Crossfit Nordic - January 2nd!

Great to be back at the Gym - I'm doin' the training a little different for the start of this year.
Focus will be to do intensive session of strength and agility. For cardio I will do bi-daily sprints and runs to get the heart pumping'. The left hand has not completely healed so we're still adapting exercises to the status.

Agility and warmup exercises

10 reps Raised bar agility

10x3 Raised bar 30kg - Lounge walk

15x3 Pullups Kippingstyle

15 Kettlebell swings 24kg
10 Deadlift 24kg
10 Pushups on parallets