Sunday, July 29, 2012

Clean Improvement & Friday Cindy

Friday set mid-day @ CrossFit Nordic

Warmup and stretching - Bar exercices

Clean warm-up & Technique 

10 min - 10 sets -- at the start of each minute:
2 Clean followed by 1 Push-press (both 52,5 kg)

I continue to improve as last weeks set was with 50kg weight. These sets felt good!!

Modified Cindy 
3 Rounds of 3sets in each with 2 min in between of

5 Pullups 
10 Pushups
15 Squats

at the least set we switched to
10 pullups
5 pushups
15 squats 

in total: 60 pullups, 75 pushcups & 135 squats

Overall a great day of training!

FOOD IMPROVEMENT to eat more vegetables -- Veggies now is a must and I'm making sure I get my fill so I can continue to eat great meat, chicken & fish! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Helen on Friday (20 July)

Friday workout @ Crossfit Nordic - 20 July.

Tuesday's set felt good and was still a' bit sore in the legs from the cleans and outside workout  !

Warm up (bar exercises) & stretching the back!

On the minute 10 minutes of 3x
Front Squats - 60 kg

Over Head Squats  (OHS)
3x5 40 kg


3 rounds of
400 meter running
21 Kettle bell swings 24kg
12 Pullups

Time approx 11-12 min (have to check the exact time)

I've stepped up my training, but not written in a while -- this will change as it's very usable to keep track of performance and workouts throughout!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Out and about - Clean & ringdips!

Crossfit Nordic Today @ Noon  - 1st May

Tuesday and a great time at the gym. We're continuing with the new training to improve technique and overall performance for the hour of training in variation and setup.

Warmup consisting of windmills and agility and shoulder stretch.
Front squat, Clean and Push press with bar

Clean & push press 40 & 45 kg technique

Each minute for 10 min - 2 Clean 55 kg & 1 push press

Death by Ring dips - Each minute 1 ring dip added by another as long as you can. I did 8 rounds. I. e in total about 36 ring dips & some change!

2 sets of 3 min program w. 3 min rest in between : As many rounds as possible Run 200 m, 7 kettle bell swings 24 kg, 10 lounge walks.

Great activity throughout the sets- great kick off for the week to build on and my planned workouts for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brand New Start - Spring Training

CrossFit Nordic Today @ Noon

We're starting a brand new set up for my training --Today was the kickoff!
Although being at the end of a cold it felt great to get goin', focus was to get going with the program and the only difference was that cardio took more of a back-seat at today's session.

Focus is to adjust each session to practice technique and

* Warm up - Windmills & Squats, Pullups & Front Squats

* Clean - 40kg,  10 rounds, at the start of each minute do 2 (after five rounds 3) clean with perfect technique.
 -- get quick clean moves that in the end worked out great.

* Kipping Pullups to death - Each minute do 1 pull-up, add another one to you can't do more.
- i did 10 rounds -- i.e . 55 kipping pull-ups done. I was happy with my performance.

* Deadlifts - 4 rounds of 3x110 kg mixed with HSPU 4 rounds of 3reps.
 - Deadlifts worked great, secure the back and then quick lifts. I can excel at deadlifts so it was good to do proper lifts and start building again, now with a more direct approach. Same with Handstand Pushups, take a breath and do the proper -- 3 is no problem!

All in all -- got workout to build on, and as soon as the cold is gone we'll work out with more cardio attack. Time to get into topshape!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pushing for performance!

Thursday March 15 and back at CrossFit Nordic.  Again two weeks have passed due to family flue (that I thankfully avoided) and a week of a mild cold.  Anyways I felt rejuvinated to finallty be back again to the gym as it gives the best feeling & energy possible.

Warm up

Windmills, Bar-exercises (20 kg Front Squtats, OHS, push & shoulder presses)

in combination/variation

Push Press
3:s in various weights up to 60kg (40, 45, 50, 55kg)

Front Squats
3:s in various weights up to 3x80kg, tried for 3x85kg (did 2x80kg)

Five Rounds of (at highest speed) of:

6 Clean (40kg)
6 Burpees w. jump over bar

Overal great performance I was happy with (workin on going more full out and agressive in push press/front squat when at the heaviest weights to concentrate effect and focus), but had good drive in the last rounds of the clean/burpees thart did the trick for me (i.e got me super exhausted and worked-out).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cindy! Alright, Alright

Thursday, February 23 @ CrossFit Nordic

I was late and hurried due to takin' the car and not finding parking -- stupid mistake on my part..
so we headed straight into warmup and Cindy!

The objective was to get a healthy score..20 would be great and minimum would be 14!


AMRAP 20 min
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

I did 15 rounds +5 pull-ups & 6 pushups-- Alright, alright indeed a good score for me to build on!  Still time to be maximized in-between sets but a result to be happy about!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Back at the gym @ having a blast! NEW PBs'

Wow, been too long since I posted and believe me I'm not proud of that at all (objective is to get instant write-ups).  I've had some great workout sets that I haven't documented and need to do -- and a bit of a break that I just finished.

Back at CrossFit Nordic for an 1 h of well deserved kick-ass training. The great Trainer David Englund set up a great program today as always!

Agility and warm-up with squats etc (frot squats with bar)

1 a 
Pullups --Originally 3 rounds of 30.
I did: 20, 21 & 15.

21 is new personal best & I could have gone for more but was a bit laid-back to maximize. No good reason but Will go for the full 25 next time. The kipping went great especially on the 2nd set.

1 b
Mixed Pull-ups with Front Squats
5x80  -- New personal best!! Felt great

Finshed with -originally
5x 5 Thrusters (40kg) 10 box jumps

After three rounds, my jumping got slow so I was "penalized" to do 30 Thursters.
Got them by doing 3,3,3 etc

All in all I got the pump going and did some great thrusters..I need to be pushed to get the cardio/intensity going and knock back the comfort factor.

I was overall very happy with my strength and got some great energy back to build on.

I've got a excellent training program and will hit 2 session before Thursday which is the main training day (Scheduled @ CrossFit Nordic)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Gym work with Clean and HSPU

Thursday 12 January @ CrossFit Nordic

Warm-up and agility

Burpees (w/u the pushups) - as fast as possible

Various Clean - and bar exercises for technique up to 60 kg in sets of 3
- We really focused on getting technique, from quickly sitting down to having the feet in exact position doing these lifts over and over...

HSPU - Hand stand pushups
3 sets of 5, 6 (aiming for 7) , 5 (aiming for 7) reps in between clean 
Overall happy with my performance - my personal best is 8, an I am not so far away right now.

* 3 sets of 9-7-5 reps of
Clean (50kg)

*The kipping pull-ups goes great throughout, although I had to stop in between the first set of clean with 50kg as I did not have the flow to crank them out. 50 feels heavy to do 9 in a row. I stopped in the 2nd round of 7 cleans. This is a great exercise keeping the blood pumping -- as a punishment for taking some time I  had to do extra burpees so overall I had good "fluster". I'll work on the quick clean approach and get the machine going!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Comeback at SATS

Today's exercise was at Sats St. Eriksbron

Started with agility and warmup - 21 Kettle bellswings (24kg), 3x 10 Pushups, Situps, Squats & Lounge Stretch & 10 Front Squats.

Focus was to get back working on the Clean and get quicker movements -

40kgx3, 45kgx3, 50kgx3, 55kgx2 2x2x60kg 1x65kg (ok -not the best lift today)

Front Squat
30 Front squat 50 kg -start with bar on the ground. I did 3x10 in fast tempo.

Knees To Elbows 2x10

Bench Press

All in all a step in the right direction as I've put in 2 good set this week -- I've had a lower frequency for some weeks (I'll post the last two weeks gym-sets tmrw) but it felt good today and I'll show for 3 sets a week to get better shape and more energy!