Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pushing for performance!

Thursday March 15 and back at CrossFit Nordic.  Again two weeks have passed due to family flue (that I thankfully avoided) and a week of a mild cold.  Anyways I felt rejuvinated to finallty be back again to the gym as it gives the best feeling & energy possible.

Warm up

Windmills, Bar-exercises (20 kg Front Squtats, OHS, push & shoulder presses)

in combination/variation

Push Press
3:s in various weights up to 60kg (40, 45, 50, 55kg)

Front Squats
3:s in various weights up to 3x80kg, tried for 3x85kg (did 2x80kg)

Five Rounds of (at highest speed) of:

6 Clean (40kg)
6 Burpees w. jump over bar

Overal great performance I was happy with (workin on going more full out and agressive in push press/front squat when at the heaviest weights to concentrate effect and focus), but had good drive in the last rounds of the clean/burpees thart did the trick for me (i.e got me super exhausted and worked-out).