Thursday, April 8, 2010

Recap: Row and OHS PB on Monday April 5

At Sats Tule at noon which is a nice change to my ordinary 19.30 spots on weekdays. Last week was again a one PT gym set week, but for this week I am feeling 100% healthy and we'll get back to the routines of 2 sets a week with PT-Dave, topped with a cardio set on the weekend. The rest has been good for my body, and the strength has been fairly intact. The difference is missing the feeling of having the "ache" in the body after a good workout and the energy jolt it provides.

A key point I will focus on is regaining better control of my food intake. I've kept pretty good score on what I eat and really enjoy cooking, but will keep better control at work lunches and weekends, where it's easy to compromise and get into the routine of eating some potatoes, bread, and rice/pasta more than the optimal 1:e a week exception.

* Warm Up with agility focus

* Lot's of technique practice for kipping pull-ups. We will work heavily on kipping and lifting techniques this spring. The practice pays off, but there is still some work to be done till' I get complete hang of the kipping pull-ups. The advantage of kipping will be immense as I'll be able to great pull-up series.

* OHS - Overhead squats with sets of 5 for 20, 40 kg, and then managed a personal best with 4x50 kg. 50 kg didn't feel to bad, so I'll use this momentum to add weight and performance.

* Practicing rowing technique, where the goal is to get under 1,40. For the 500m test  I achieved just over 1,45.

Pix: Great lamb-steaks!

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