Friday, May 8, 2009

10 x 10 time

Finshed the set 10 x 10 (mentioned below) in the afternoon at the beach : Time 18.32 min. Didn't feel like 18 minutes and I liked the challenge. The backextensions were new for me, and the ones I will have to work to get perfect. The others: Pushups, Situps and Squats provides great variation and gives good rebound time to perform in great speed, and It´s cool to have completed the 100 reps when all is done.

It's a great motivatior to time and track the exercises -- gives whole new motivation and mental readiness. I now (with the 13 day program) quite like to squeeze out the best performance I've got right away-- something that back home was not always the case. Thanks David!

1 comment:

  1. Så härligt att se, passet gav cardion en rejäl knuff va? Du kommer att vara starkare än någonsin när du kommer tillbaka!
    Jag gillar att bloggens inriktning har ändrats ;)
