Friday, May 22, 2009

Back to training!

Friday's dinner: Cod & White Asparagus together with a glass of Moet.

Back to crossfit: Worked on HSPU (Handstand Pushups) and completed one rep. in good style, OHS and a version of Pullups. Finished with a set of: 21-15-9 Burpees and Kettlebells (24kg). All in all a great workout and I am getting ready for next week to get back on the heavy weights. Will do some running in the weekend focusing on maintaing the cardio I build up in Spain.

The lack of posts this week are more due to lower level of crossfit action, and not due to being uneventful days :-)

1 comment:

  1. Du inte bara arbetade på dina HSPU, du gjorde din första! Det är en stor grej ju!
