Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday and overtime!!

Tuesday's training was a bit extended and took about 1 1/2 h. I opted or rather, was forced to focus a bit more on technique for OHS and bar-bell moves during the ordinary time to get the moves right again. To complete the cardio part I stayed on and joined a 45 min "boot camp" group training set led by David Englund. The session was quite fun and did the trick to get the cardio and sweat rolling!!

First 1h:
* Extensive WU with squats and agility training.

* Next up OHS where after the initial set of 5x20kg bar I missed the 5x40 kg reps by lack of focus, the arms and shoulders were not jiving with my head, and I opted to get back to technique. OHS comeback on Thursday-- weird as last week was full of PR's! Also did some kipping practice to incorporate with pull-ups.

* Ended with a circle of 21-15-9 Back squats (60 kg) mixed with pull-ups. Time within 20min. Backsquats complete set; the pull-up sets were broken up in parts.

Boot camp group training:
* WO: Agility stretches, pushups and situps

* Circle: 4 stations, 5 rounds, one minute on each:
Kettlebell Swings, Box Jumps, Thrusters, "Plankan"

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