Monday, October 26, 2009

Towel Pullups and overall progress

Ready for a new week and new opportunities. Checked my weight this weekend and I am now at 70,5 kg -- going from 82kg in 2007! The food and exercise approach have showed amazing results. Training wise we've been doing quite a bit of shoulder exercises and heavy lifts lately mixed with effective metcons to get balance in strength + get all areas up to speed in combination with reaching perfect technique.

Today's workout:

WO routine with Vrängningar (shoulder dislocates), Agility, and Burpees, and sometimes mixed with Pushups and Situps. It's really the Burpees that get the blood flowing. Burpees are great but can also be a pain, it challenges you to be focused and just keep going rather than stop and feel.

Shoulder Presses: Pushing hard to exceed and the 7 on 42,5 was a +1
5 x 30 kg
3 x 30 kg
7 x 42,5 kg

Mixed with Towel Pullups: 5 + 10

Deadlifts: Moving forward and starting to reach the heavy weights.
5 x 100 kg
3 x 110 kg
1 x 125 kg

Circle: Happy with my performance on the metcons, showing good progress and attitude
2x 500 m rowing
2x 30 Burpees
Time: 10:58 min

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