Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Weekend" Deadlift & Clean w. new Clips

Monday 29 August

Actually started this weeks workout with the weekend set @ Sats St: Eriksbron

Warmup & agility

3 set of 3x40 kg Clean - key to work on technique -- stance, knees, arms, and elbows.
Did all rigt on these sets

Here's a sample:

Three sets of Deadlift  120kgx3 125kgx3 135kgx3
These went great and the purpose is to maintain and build on the lifts to get ready to gain a new personal best.

Here's the clips for 125kg & 135kg:

3x135 kg

Finished with 50 Thrusters @ 40 kg, at the start of each minute do 3 pull-ups.
It took me approx 12 min as I had some delays bw set, but in the end worked out great. I still can push me much further on the Met-Cons

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kickbox Friday

Friday 26 August

To continue Kickboxing I tried out for the second time.

Focus was the different punches (jab, hook, uppercut) and in combinations -- still early on and for me getting to learn the moves.

Stretching and stomach exercises (situps) were part of the beginning and end of the session.

It's a great workout and works well in combination with the cross fit exercises (with the heavy lifts), as I get cardio and flow -- sweating like crazy :-)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ongoing Olympic Lifts- Clean and the knees!

Crossfit Nordic Thursday, 25 August
It feels good to get the regularity of the weekly training again. I clearly notice the progress and the benefit of being more focused and productive at each workout. There's always improvements to do and I am getting there. We're still drilling olympic lifts intensly, developing a good technique and conquer some "fears". The actual strengt is developing nicely, and the cardio and comfort zone is being pushed as the weeks go by. So the hunt for new personal bests is on!

Warmup and agility

Bar warm-up and lift technique

Clean lift and practice in various sets and reps/kg. 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 kg - 3 reps etc.
--> Highlight 60 kg clean, 2 lifts.

Focus were to make sure the knees are straight in the push, arms straight in the get go & to make the lift higher, and to push the elbows/arms back to get to squat position faster.


25 Pullups on time
4 Burpees - w. bar jump at the start of each minute

Finshed with:
Stomach - GHD Bends -- focus on getting strict knees on the bend.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Snatch & MetCon

Tuesday (23 August) @ Crossfit Nordic

I was well prepared and ready for Tuesday's set.


Then onto olymic and bar lifts drilling and lifting!

Snatch in various reps (1,2,3s etc) and kilos up to 50 kg (the trial for new PB)
--> Highligth 45 kg (Previous Personal Best) -- I tried for 50 bud did not make it. Although my technique and the lift said I sould!  I will show progress here soon

Met Con :
Thrusters  30 reps at 40 kg - at the start of each minute 3 KTE (Knees to Elbows)
Lounge Walk with 20 kg over my head -- at the start of each minute 3 Burpees

The Thrusters went ok, and KTE was fairly easy, it was the Lounge walk that took me by some surprise as I made them feel heavier than they were. The firs laps were quite slow, but I finshed strong. Good lesson learned -- and in the end I had to make a lot of burpees :-)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kickboxing & Deadlifts

Sunday (August 21)

I tried out Kickboxing @  It was the first time for me and a really new experience that I quite liked. As it was a try-out beginners set, there was warmups and various punch and kick exercises. I "sparred"/exercised with quite an experienced "fighter" so it was cool to see what could be learned. I am a complete beginner, but will continue to train regularly to learn.

As the set was over and I was quite exhausted, I headed to SATS St: Eriksbron to complete my deadlifts. The lifts went great, and felt really strong and effective.  

3x 120 kg
3x 125 kg
3x 130 kg

Monday, August 22, 2011

Front Squats and more

Thursday's set (August 18)  @ CrossFit Nordic

Warm up and agility

KTE kipping - 10

Front Squat - various reps (weights and sets) 40, 60, 70 kg
main set with good performance -  3x3 80 kg

In between Muscle Up technique practice

Met-con strength set: A bit mixed performance as I got penalty (added lifts) on the back squat and did not complete the 3rd round as I was going to go for over 20 reps! 

3 (initially 5)  rounds of :

5   HSPU -- various performance, did not do 5 straight this time, so I had to stand 10 sec per hspu on some reps

10 Back Squat -- 1 set 10, 2nd >15, 3rd 10
15 Kettle Bell Swings 24 kg- 1 set 15, 2nd 25, 3 n/a

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bars to the wall!

Tuesday 16 August @ Crossfit Nordic

Warm-up and agility

Bar warm up - lifts and technique

Snatch - in various reps and sets, 3x 2x
Highlight 50 kg -- technique was very good, until I just stopped at 55 kg -- no real reason and something I'll work to get rid of!

In between approx:
10 Kipping KTE
10 & 8  Kipping Pullups

OHS - been a while since I did straight OHS so good to be back coin' these lifts
3x    45 kg
3x    50 kg
2/3x 55 kg - a bit to high squat on the first of the tree- otherwise good lifts

At the end Met-con run (reprise from last week, that I stopped but now fulfilled) :  5 sets of the following reps for intensity:

5, 4, 3, 2, 1      - Clean 50 kg  (I redid on the sets of 4 -- to gain momentum in the lifts)
10, 8, 6, 4, 2   -   Burpees 

Time approx- 5.30 min

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday punishment!

This weeks homework was  -- 100 Burpees on time and at the start of each minute do 3 deadlifts a 100 kg.

I headed to SATS Odenplan Sunday evening to do the deed -- started out nice and finished strong. The deadlifts were fine, but the burpee tempo took a hit in the middle. 
Time 10 min 55 sec. A time to beat in the coming weeks.  Although major sweating and lack of comfort made for a nice finish of a great week

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Olympic Lifts a' bit on track

Thursday's workout  (11 August) @ CrossFit Nordic 

Start with warm up and agility

A quick 5 pull-ups and 10 KTE

Then on to doin' various Clean and Clean & Jerks

The overall highlight is that the technique and lifts are going great and the weights are increasing -- I don't have the mental stop as before, but rather just wearing out as weights and lifts are getting more and more.

Lifts in various combinations, reps and kilos -- 2 & 3 of 40, 45, 50 up to 60 and 65 kg

New Personal Bests:
Clean: 65 kg
Clean & Jerk: 2x60 kg

We were gonna finish with this decent 5 sets of the following reps for met-con intensity: 
5, 4, 3,2, 1      - Clean 50 kg
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 - Burpees 

I stumbled a bit on the 5 clean / 10 burpees and in the end probably did over 10 cleans, but did not go for the full sets as I was worn out and a bit tired (and I recon happy with my new personal best above, rather then met-con uncomfortability! . Will re-load and attack next time! 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Snatch & Jumps

Tuesday (9 August) @ CrossFit Nordic

Warm up and Agility

Constant work on bar for olympic lift technique

Various Snatch lifts leading up to new personal best @ 45 kg.
--Been a while since I did snatch, so I'm happy with my stance and attack - -now it's about adding the weight to the lift.

3 x
15 Deadlifts 70 kg
21 Box Jumps

As quick as possible-- deadlifts in high speed; the jumps are getting much better, still to get faster flow.

All in all a great workout!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Onwards with My new Shoes!

I did my weekend set this Sunday  @ SATS  St. Eriksbron

Warm Up and Agility

3 sets
3 reps Deadlift @ 125 kg
10 KTE Kipping (great set -- flying)

2 K Row - 8 min 20 seconds

Goal is to complete 2k at 7:30 min - There is a  "punishment" of 1 Burpee for each second over that time.  i.e in this case  I got to do an extra 50 Burpees due to using 50 extra seconds rowing.

50 Burpees - 4 min

 Got new shows - Brand: Inov-8,   model F-Lite 220 -- Great Product

Clean & Jerks

Thursday set @ Crossfit Nordic - 4 August

Warmup & Agility

Working on lifts focusing on Clean leading up to Clean & Jerk

Clean & Jerk in various weights and reps, focus on getting the movement and style right.
--> Highlight new personal best at 50 kg

In between C&J  Kipping KTE in reps of 10
I did the first set perfect, the missed on some in the kipping. Going forward to Sunday (7/8) I can to them with perfect flow.

Ended the set with 10 rounds of walking (approx 10x 15 meter) holding 40 kg bar over my head with straight arms.
KTE kipping 10

Cleans (new personal best) & More - 2/8

Here's the write-up and recap from Tuesday set @ Crossfit Nordic - 2 August.

I'm getting into the habit to do two major work out session Tuesday, Tursday and a quick set on the weekend.

Still major focus on technique and getting "perfect" lifts in combination with cardio. Overall I'm achieving a great balance between training, food and sleep (sleep being the factor that needs to matches, as the little 6 1/2 monther keeps waking up at odd hours  :-)

Warm-up and agility

Clean - lift and technique - various kg and reps
--> Highlight New Personal best at 55 kg. No problem at all -- tried for 60 but did not complete into squat position.

I'm getting good lifts and can improve immensely in weight when I get the movement and hesitation in check for the squat movement after the pull.

5 Clean & Thruster
10 Jump Lounge

--worked great for getting the legs goin'!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thursday Motivation

Thursday July 28 - Early afternoon set at CrossFit Nordic after getting back from Budapest, Hungary. Sort of a come back set from last week.

Warm up and agility w. kettle bells

20 Burpees as quick as possible -- key to get them under 1 min

Focus on clean in various weights (20, 40, 50 kg), getting specific on technique.
Highlight 50kg x 2.

Intense cardio --Initially the run was: 10 pull-ups, 12 thrusters, 14 kb swings 32 kg, 18 situps, 20 jump squats .. Finshed the pull-ups and thrusters, but broke on the kb swings for some reason..

Warm as hell in the gym so I was sweating like a pig, but took a bit of break and ended with
3x5 reps of pullups, KB swings (32kg), Thrusters in good tempo.

Ongoing is to really getting the right amount of sleep and make sure to eat fully  (i.e right amount of meat/fish) and Veggies.