Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday Diane

Thursday set at CrossFit Nordic, It's been a week since the the las set and I was eager to train.
Another cool thing was checking out CrossFit-SM in Solna this past Saturday. Very inspiring and amazing performances from all.

WU and Agility

Clean - Practice and lifts up to 60 kg. Did ok with the lifts practicing again and again technique. Key for be is to use the hip movement and have the barbell really close to the body and not use the arms to much. 60 kg went quite easy, but missed on the end of movement (a bit of stalling) for 65kg (which I've done before) and have to get the new PR next time for sure ;-)

21-15-9 reps, for time ...
Deadlift 225 lbs / 100 kg 
Handstand push-ups

Time: 18 min 38 sec
My first time for a real Diane, The deadlifts were no problem, what took time was the HSPU. I split into 3-3-3 leading up to the 21, 15 & 9. OVerall happy about the performance and good a good workout both muscles and cardio felt good!

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