Today's gym session was geared towards focus on exercises that demands persistence and for me to practice to use "the head the right way" to keep moving on and not thinking to much about pain and doin' rep after rep. The session was cut down to 30 min, as I ran late. Although in the end we managed to get good performance and a valuable lesson was learned..
WU Agility + Row 500m (150 speed target)
Thrusters practice w. 3x5 @ 30 kg.
Then the idea was to do Thrusters 9x5 @ 40 kg mixed with 5 pullups. Already in round tow, I manged to mess up the Thrusters and had to restart --originally the exercise should not be a problem, but as I over thought to much and did not get good flow, the weight carried on and I was out of bounce for the next rounds (the pullups was not the problem). We then tried 1x9 @ 40 kg-- but after that we moved on...
I made up for the Thruster debacle with a classic below that got me to refocus and get on with it in good spirit and made the session valuable:
21-15-9 Burpees and Kettle bell swings @ 24kg.
Time: 5 min something
Dinner: Cooked a great entrecote and some broccoli to eat after the workout
Lunch -- Boeuf Lyonnaise -- I did not eat all the potatoes and foucsed on the meat and sallad!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Deadlifts for lunch!
Went for a condensed set @ Sollentuna SATS at lunchtime. Nice and effective set and I'm really happy about my performance.
WU w. Agility, Pushups, Situps and Burpees
5x3 Deadlifts 120 kg mixed with
5x3 HSPU
Row 10x 30 sec on, 30 sec off
Had great Salmon and Broccoli for dinner -- a favorite that never disappoints!
WU w. Agility, Pushups, Situps and Burpees
5x3 Deadlifts 120 kg mixed with
5x3 HSPU
Row 10x 30 sec on, 30 sec off
Had great Salmon and Broccoli for dinner -- a favorite that never disappoints!
40-30-20-10 reprise
I was not able to get to the gym yesterday so I went for a reprise of the 40-30-20-10 at home yesterday evening:
40 - 30 - 20 - 10 reps of
Pushups (40 all in a row, 20+10), 10+10,10)
Time: 12:02
The pushups felt really good!
40 - 30 - 20 - 10 reps of
Pushups (40 all in a row, 20+10), 10+10,10)
Time: 12:02
The pushups felt really good!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thrusters etc.
Ran a bit late for the training today as work took extra time and I had to beat traffic, although we managed to reschedule and made a good set. Cut it a bit short due to I still have some cold left and we focused on geeting good sets going on Pullups and Thrusters using strict technique.
WU w. agility & squats
5x10 Thrusters 30 kg- - Nice flow which made for good work sets.
mixed with Pull ups 5x5 (last one x7) using what will become kipping for me.
All in all short and sweet and to good use!
WU w. agility & squats
5x10 Thrusters 30 kg- - Nice flow which made for good work sets.
mixed with Pull ups 5x5 (last one x7) using what will become kipping for me.
All in all short and sweet and to good use!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Urging for some deadlifts
Went for a short and sweet set @ SATS Sollentuna for lunch. I really felt an urge to get some deadlifts done and it was all worth it! As it been some up and downs with scheduled training last week, and quite busy times it felt like a good jolt to get the body doin' some lifting and then head back to work and preparing for tomorrows PT-set.
WU w. agility 15 Pushups, Situps, Squats + 10 Burpees,
10 OHS 20 kg as continued warmup
Deadlift 5x5 1st set 90 kg, 2-4 sets 100 kg, 5th set 110 kg -- all went really smooth!
Mixed with 15 kettlebell swings @ 24 kg
3x5 Dips w. 14 kg dumb bells
3x5 Pushpress 40 kg
Fininshed with 10 pullups
The Foods been really good throughout the week; example from today: Kvarg w. berries for breakfast, BBQ Meat for lunch (+protein shake as it was during lunch), and Salmon w. Broccoli for Dinner.
WU w. agility 15 Pushups, Situps, Squats + 10 Burpees,
10 OHS 20 kg as continued warmup
Deadlift 5x5 1st set 90 kg, 2-4 sets 100 kg, 5th set 110 kg -- all went really smooth!
Mixed with 15 kettlebell swings @ 24 kg
3x5 Dips w. 14 kg dumb bells
3x5 Pushpress 40 kg
Fininshed with 10 pullups
The Foods been really good throughout the week; example from today: Kvarg w. berries for breakfast, BBQ Meat for lunch (+protein shake as it was during lunch), and Salmon w. Broccoli for Dinner.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Sting in the Tail! 100's
A week where colds and throat infections have been running rapid in the Isaksson family is finally over!
Just finished an effective 40-30-20-10 set in the living room consisting of:
Pushups (did all 40 in a row, then 15x2, and 10's)
Situps & Squats (all in a row)
Time : 11 min and 15 sec
What made the set stinging was I cranked the new Scorpions album and it really did the trick as I held great speed and kept a really good flow through out. I will now cook a beautiful American beef prepared to Spanish specification . . I am now prepared for a week full of new challanges!!
Just finished an effective 40-30-20-10 set in the living room consisting of:
Pushups (did all 40 in a row, then 15x2, and 10's)
Situps & Squats (all in a row)
Time : 11 min and 15 sec
What made the set stinging was I cranked the new Scorpions album and it really did the trick as I held great speed and kept a really good flow through out. I will now cook a beautiful American beef prepared to Spanish specification . . I am now prepared for a week full of new challanges!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday challenge!
Sunday and at the gym for the 3rd time this week. Starting the workout with a buddy of mine at 11 am at a gym in Kungsholmen. The idea was to do a cross-fit inspired mix of exercises and to get a full workout, and at the same time inspire and challenge each other!
WU w. vrängningar, stretch and a run of 10: pushups, burp bees and sit-ups.
4x3 HSPU /mixed w./
4x8 Front squats at 40, 50, 50, 50 kg
1x8 OHS @ 30 kg - just for fun and agility
Circle I:
3x10 KTE
3x10 Pull-ups
3x10, 20, 25 sit-ups
3x8 Shoulder presses @ 40 kg
Circle II:
4x5 Deadlifts @ 100 kg /mixed w./
3x10 Boxjumps
3x5 Dips with 15kg extra weight dumbbell
500 m Row: Time 1.50 min.
Summary: Great and fun workout that pushed us both on performance and technique. I was fun running through the sets, and the result were great. I believe I did my best row so far, and felt really good on the weight performance. Although not maxing for Personal Bests, the sets were done with great energy and fun!
WU w. vrängningar, stretch and a run of 10: pushups, burp bees and sit-ups.
4x3 HSPU /mixed w./
4x8 Front squats at 40, 50, 50, 50 kg
1x8 OHS @ 30 kg - just for fun and agility
Circle I:
3x10 KTE
3x10 Pull-ups
3x10, 20, 25 sit-ups
3x8 Shoulder presses @ 40 kg
Circle II:
4x5 Deadlifts @ 100 kg /mixed w./
3x10 Boxjumps
3x5 Dips with 15kg extra weight dumbbell
500 m Row: Time 1.50 min.
Summary: Great and fun workout that pushed us both on performance and technique. I was fun running through the sets, and the result were great. I believe I did my best row so far, and felt really good on the weight performance. Although not maxing for Personal Bests, the sets were done with great energy and fun!
Recap: Pullups on the rebound - Thursday April 8
Thursday (April 8) and this weeks second PT-Gym set. Good to get really back into action this time around, and also my focus on maintaining the food regiment has been much better and gives result in well-being and attack!
* Warm Up with agility and stretching
* Massive focus on Pull-ups and Kipping, using a different approach resulting in some of the best pull-ups set I've done. We did about 5x with various reps maxing out technique and strength.
* Next up Deadlifts. First the warm up going up to 100 kg, and working at 120 kg (3 reps), and 13o kg (2 reps). Trying to do 3 reps at 130, and tried twice and reach 2 lifts. Wasn't for today--but I've done 1 rep @ 140, and should be able to do 150 km within short.
* Finished the set with an effective circle: 3x500 m row mixed with 40,30, 20 pushups. Time 11.23 min. Kept good fighting spirit all the way through which was needed as the previous lifts really had its effect!
Had a great entrcote and broccoli for dinner; The corn-fed Chicken was Friday's dinner!!
* Warm Up with agility and stretching
* Massive focus on Pull-ups and Kipping, using a different approach resulting in some of the best pull-ups set I've done. We did about 5x with various reps maxing out technique and strength.
* Next up Deadlifts. First the warm up going up to 100 kg, and working at 120 kg (3 reps), and 13o kg (2 reps). Trying to do 3 reps at 130, and tried twice and reach 2 lifts. Wasn't for today--but I've done 1 rep @ 140, and should be able to do 150 km within short.
* Finished the set with an effective circle: 3x500 m row mixed with 40,30, 20 pushups. Time 11.23 min. Kept good fighting spirit all the way through which was needed as the previous lifts really had its effect!
Had a great entrcote and broccoli for dinner; The corn-fed Chicken was Friday's dinner!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Recap: Row and OHS PB on Monday April 5
At Sats Tule at noon which is a nice change to my ordinary 19.30 spots on weekdays. Last week was again a one PT gym set week, but for this week I am feeling 100% healthy and we'll get back to the routines of 2 sets a week with PT-Dave, topped with a cardio set on the weekend. The rest has been good for my body, and the strength has been fairly intact. The difference is missing the feeling of having the "ache" in the body after a good workout and the energy jolt it provides.
A key point I will focus on is regaining better control of my food intake. I've kept pretty good score on what I eat and really enjoy cooking, but will keep better control at work lunches and weekends, where it's easy to compromise and get into the routine of eating some potatoes, bread, and rice/pasta more than the optimal 1:e a week exception.
* Warm Up with agility focus
* Lot's of technique practice for kipping pull-ups. We will work heavily on kipping and lifting techniques this spring. The practice pays off, but there is still some work to be done till' I get complete hang of the kipping pull-ups. The advantage of kipping will be immense as I'll be able to great pull-up series.
* OHS - Overhead squats with sets of 5 for 20, 40 kg, and then managed a personal best with 4x50 kg. 50 kg didn't feel to bad, so I'll use this momentum to add weight and performance.
* Practicing rowing technique, where the goal is to get under 1,40. For the 500m test I achieved just over 1,45.
Pix: Great lamb-steaks!
A key point I will focus on is regaining better control of my food intake. I've kept pretty good score on what I eat and really enjoy cooking, but will keep better control at work lunches and weekends, where it's easy to compromise and get into the routine of eating some potatoes, bread, and rice/pasta more than the optimal 1:e a week exception.
* Warm Up with agility focus
* Lot's of technique practice for kipping pull-ups. We will work heavily on kipping and lifting techniques this spring. The practice pays off, but there is still some work to be done till' I get complete hang of the kipping pull-ups. The advantage of kipping will be immense as I'll be able to great pull-up series.
* OHS - Overhead squats with sets of 5 for 20, 40 kg, and then managed a personal best with 4x50 kg. 50 kg didn't feel to bad, so I'll use this momentum to add weight and performance.
* Practicing rowing technique, where the goal is to get under 1,40. For the 500m test I achieved just over 1,45.
Pix: Great lamb-steaks!
Recap: Kettelbell focus on Tuesday March 30
Here's a recap of Tuesday March 30 PT Gym set @ Sats Tule. Still getting the hang of getting back into action. The slower phase of tough training has been ok as I've kept my strength pretty well, and just lost some cardio. I am still nursing out a small cold and throat that's keeping me from going for full.
* Warmups with lots of agility and stretching.
* Focus on heavy kettle bell swings going all the way to 32 kg and 3x8, after a mix of lifts with 24kg. The technique feels really good, and we also made some small adjustments that gave great result. I really enjoy this exercise.
* Dips with added weight between the legs. 4 sets of 5 --if I remember right with dumbbells going up to 16kg (?)
* Knees to Elbows mixed with Pull ups -- doing a mix of 1 to 1 up to 10 reps . First set ok. Then a mix for 2nd and 3rd set. Effective and challenging mix.
* Head Standing Pushups - 2 sets of 3, first with 3 in a row, and the 2nd 2+1.
Overall good achievement and cool that I've kept strength, but wouldn't go for full cardio this time.
* Warmups with lots of agility and stretching.
* Focus on heavy kettle bell swings going all the way to 32 kg and 3x8, after a mix of lifts with 24kg. The technique feels really good, and we also made some small adjustments that gave great result. I really enjoy this exercise.
* Dips with added weight between the legs. 4 sets of 5 --if I remember right with dumbbells going up to 16kg (?)
* Knees to Elbows mixed with Pull ups -- doing a mix of 1 to 1 up to 10 reps . First set ok. Then a mix for 2nd and 3rd set. Effective and challenging mix.
* Head Standing Pushups - 2 sets of 3, first with 3 in a row, and the 2nd 2+1.
Overall good achievement and cool that I've kept strength, but wouldn't go for full cardio this time.
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