Full one hour PT workout today. Felt the effects of Sunday's OHS and Dealifts, but was ready to go again. All in all a full workout. I am OK with the overall performance of today, and I also know exactly where I have to improve --be quicker in the high-rep exercises and not stopping and allowing my head to play tricks! I am eating much better and striving to get into prime form ASAP.
Warm Up
HSPU : a couple of 3's and some misses, also tried for 5 but was not to be this time.
Pullups: 15 strict - Personal Best is 16 from November--so it's time about time I beat that also.
L-pullups: doin reps and working on technique -- in between HSPU and Back squats
Back squats: 5x5 @ 80 kg
Circle of Thrusters @ 30kg and Burpees
30-20-10 reps. Time 16 min 57 sec
- All about liking the pain. At least I completed the exercise this time, and will work on diggin' the Thrusters and do them faster...
Went home and prepared some great salmon and spinach for dinner.
Yestersday's cooking:
Lunch: US entrecote with broccoli and onions+mushrooms
Dinner: Meatloaf a la´Jamie Oliver's Ministry of food book . It also lasted for today's lunch.

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