Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday OHS/Front & Backsquats

Friday afternoon workout at Sats St:Eriksbron

I had a great set of exercises to do - also to use my new warmup routine and continue to work on agility in shoulders and groins.

The task was to do 5 rounds (on time) 

5  OHS 40kg (bar on chest )
5 Frontsquats 40kg
thrust bar on straight arms and do 
5  backsquats 40kg
Finnish with
5 obrutna KTE

I was actually most happy with my 5th round which had most boost, I struggled a bit with the intensity, mainly on the first & second sets of OHS that threw me off to my surprise,  and didn't time accurately. Other pointers is to push the elbows forward for the front squats, and be more aggressive handling the bar pushing it to position.  I'll revisit this one again soon as by the 5th I could go for more.

See clip from 5th round (KTE not show). 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Morning routine and swingin' 21-15-9!

Had a full session 1h gym session at CrossFit Nordic mid day Tuesday.

Warm-up and Thorough brief of New Morning Routine - key to get agility for improvement in technique especially for olympic lifts. I will switch from the standard pushup, sit up, squat to do this new one rigorously.

Pullup and various lift practice

Ring Dips
Kettlebell Swings 32kg

Time: 9 min
The exercises had great flow -- the 32 kg Kettle Bell Swings were all in a row with full control.

Link to check out:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday Deadlifts & HSPU (w. Video)

A bit of a recap from Sunday -as I've been playing with the video editing tools.. 

Went for a quick and effective gym set on Sunday before lunch @ SATS St: Eriksplan.

These workouts gives me great energy boosts and have very positive effects for the day. It's been a good week where I've managed to get back into form with frequent workouts on my own and scheduled sessions with my trainer.

Warm up w. agility

5x3 125 Kg Deadlifts
5x5 HSPU

I'm happy with my performance --did all lifts in a row, and the HSPU were not problem keeping them all intact this time.

I filmed 2 sets of each exercise for fun and to see technique and also to share (at the same time as learning imovie etc) --funny detail as I wear the same shirt and shorts as my previous clips of Front Squants & Benchpress.

Deadlift : clip from 2 of the 5 sets : 125 kg 3 reps each

HSPU : clip from 2 of the 5 sets : 5 reps

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clean Lift technique at PB-level (20/1)

Thursday (20/1) set @ CrossFit Nordic

WU with agility- main focus on stretching to increase agility in preparation for olympic lifts. I will get a new morning workout routine next week that will give increased focus to become limber

Main set: Various Clean Lifts with  highlight on getting technique, and all movements correct.
Personal best so far 65 kg- great technique and I did it in great stride.

We were gonna finish with a combination of 8-6-4-2 of Clean 50kg and Ring Dips; ALthough a fairly quick and well balanced exercise, in the end I opted for 8 Cleans, and will complete the sets another time.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bench & Row

Set out for a set @ Sats St: Eriksbron before lunch.

The goal was to do a short allround workout in preparation for Thursday's main set

Wu: Agility + 3x10 Pushups, Situps, + 15 KB swings 24 kg

3x5 75 kg

1 min approx. 280 meter each set (did 4 sets of row)
In between 15 pullups (3 sets of PU)

Idea was to do 5x row+pullups and then finish The workout w. 1000 m row (time under 4 min). As I cut the set a bit, due to rusning to meet lunch & pickup at kintergarden-- I still have it as a challange to complete.

Lunch: "Fläskpannkaka"/ (Pork-Bacon pancakes?)
Dinner: amazing home made Chili (more info to come)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, January 17, 2011

Deadlift/HSPU & some Burpees

Just back in the fold after an amazing week! Our son Frank was born on Thursday night and we're beyond thrilled that everything went so well, and that he completes our family!

On the workout side -- After the two sets in a row on the 8 & 9th I started to feel quite good about  my performance. For last week I increased my morning routine and did the odd 100 pushup / 100 sit up routine to enhance the training and get the desired energy boost. As I did not have a proper set last week, I was now back again at SATS today in between dipers, lack of sleep and various  errands :-)

WU w. 3x 10 Pushups, Situps, Squats;  20 Swings Kettelbell 20kg, 10 OHS 20kg.

Tried various lifts just to get the body goin', and exited about this week if I managed to squeeze away some workouts.

3 Deadlift 120 kg
5 HSPU  -- First 5 no problem, then varios of 4+1, 3+2, 4+1, 3+1+1

50 Burpess on time : 4 min 15 sec -- Not Batman speed, but at least I did them in an all right flow :-)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Front Squat & Bench Press (on video!)

Managed to zip away to the gym at 18:00 today too for a nice short set @ Sats St:Eriksbron. Got the heads up from my trainer David on what to focus on:

WU : Agility, 3x 10 Pushups, Situps, Squats

Front Squats
5x 5 reps
50, 60, 70 (3 sets)

Bench Press
5 x 5 reps
70 kg

I had some fun and filmed some of the lifts --here's the last (5/6) from the bench & and the 4th Front Squat 70kg  (I'll check back to get the clip straight into the blog) I will do more of this as it's helpful to track technique and performance.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Deadlifts and gym brush-up!

Headed to Sats @ St. Eriksbron -- the first gym visit in 2 1/2 weeks! We're still awaiting the birth of our son any day, but as the days moves on things get back to normal routines!  I've taken care of maintenance training at home, so it  was nice to hit the weights again!

WU w.  Agility, 3x 10 Pushups, Situps, Squats

Did various OHS, FS and some Olympic lifts as exercise

Various Deadlifts up to 120 kg

5 Deadlifts 100 kg
+ 3 extra HSPU to finsih

10 KTE
10 (5 on the 3rd) Pullups

All in all a good start --as the deadlifts and various lifts felt really sweet.

Thursday Swings

Thursday evening workout at home to get a bit' of energy boost - 

Copy of the second part of the previous set: 
10min, each min 10 kettlebell swings (24kg) & 10 squats
- Went fine and good effect

Finsihed with 100 pushups followed by 100 situps. 

I now want a pull-up bar at home :-) 

Monday, January 3, 2011

The 1 minute Burpee run

As a bit of home work for physical activation, I did my set at home with the wife keeping time!

3 rounds
Max Burpees  1 min (20 at 52 sec, 47, 47 sec)
Rest 3 min in between

My fastest burpees yet -- although I stopped at 20 reps at each set (with the times above), I was happy with my performance and intensity rate.  Great cardio keeper

Ten rounds - at the start of each min:
10 Kettlebell Swings (24kg)
10 Squats
--highly effective as this workouts gives great results.

I'm starting to dig working out regularly at home, and keeping my focus and happiness as I complete the sets. Good for the start of 2011, as my goal is keeping up the determination and discipline for my workouts.

Did some great foods - Dinner: vegetable soup and chicken
And prepped the Shami Lamb Kebabs for tomorrow lunch (at work).
Also bought a lot of meat for a 2 kg Chili (recipe courtesy of CrossFit Dave), some Duck breasts (G. Ramsay recipe) & Short Ribs (Laila recepie).. more on this later..