Headed to the gym (SATS) yesterday to a reprise the 2nd of last weeks sets, the setup works good when training on your own. Gives an all body workout and really pushes you to perfrom as there a max reps, and on time cardio exercises. This weeks sets have felt really good, I'm also eating better, which improves performance and well being--and it's fun to cook!
WU : 3x 10 pushups, situps, squats, and agility ("vrängningar" & stretch)
Deadlifts 5x100kg (3 sec paus below the knees for every rep, where back & breast are in peak/hold position)
rest 30 sec
Max number of dips - did approx. 15 in each round
rest 3 min
21-15-9 reps on time:
Burpees (no breaks)
Time 8:05 min - In my opinion better performance than last week. Alway room for improvements in these exercises, as it is the classical trade off b/w pain and pleasure!
Lot's of cooking, did a nice omellete for breakfast, great grilled chicken w. bacon for lunch, and grilled salmon and a new salad (I got from the new Grill book from Börje Salming) for dinner.
- I'll post pictures soon.
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