Headed to the gym (SATS) yesterday to a reprise the 2nd of last weeks sets, the setup works good when training on your own. Gives an all body workout and really pushes you to perfrom as there a max reps, and on time cardio exercises. This weeks sets have felt really good, I'm also eating better, which improves performance and well being--and it's fun to cook!
WU : 3x 10 pushups, situps, squats, and agility ("vrängningar" & stretch)
Deadlifts 5x100kg (3 sec paus below the knees for every rep, where back & breast are in peak/hold position)
rest 30 sec
Max number of dips - did approx. 15 in each round
rest 3 min
21-15-9 reps on time:
Burpees (no breaks)
Time 8:05 min - In my opinion better performance than last week. Alway room for improvements in these exercises, as it is the classical trade off b/w pain and pleasure!
Lot's of cooking, did a nice omellete for breakfast, great grilled chicken w. bacon for lunch, and grilled salmon and a new salad (I got from the new Grill book from Börje Salming) for dinner.
- I'll post pictures soon.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Presses & Squats
I reprised last weeks first set yesterday back in Stockholm @ SATS St. Eriksbron, as last weeks workouts were in Visby, Gotland.
WU w. agility
5 Shoulderpresses followed by 5 pushpresses - 30kg, 2x 35kg, 2x 40kg.
5 Frontsquats 50kg - 3 sec down, 2 sec in lowposition, 1 sec up.
5 Pullups
10 KTE
15 Thrusters 30kg
Time: 8:14 sec
Much better performance & effect this time, although I can do even better!!
Finished with salmon & spinach (out of picture)

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WU w. agility
5 Shoulderpresses followed by 5 pushpresses - 30kg, 2x 35kg, 2x 40kg.
5 Frontsquats 50kg - 3 sec down, 2 sec in lowposition, 1 sec up.
5 Pullups
10 KTE
15 Thrusters 30kg
Time: 8:14 sec
Much better performance & effect this time, although I can do even better!!
Finished with salmon & spinach (out of picture)
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Saturday, July 24, 2010
Summer Rain dance- OHS & Pullups
Headed to the gym around noon in the middle of a very rainy summer day for this weeks 3rd set. I've got "training recipes" to follow for some of the summer weeks
OHS 40kgx5 (30, 30, 35, 35, 40, 40) Did some mixed weights to get goin'- In the end it felt so good I know I could have pulled out 40's for all sets w/o problems.
Rest 1 min
Max number of pullups
Approximate: 14, 8,8,9,8, (5 to finish up)
Rest 1min
4x500m rest 3 min - rowed timed 1:55/500 m as the meter on all the machines were not workin'.
Finished with a lamb lunch (the mashed potatoes are only for show :-)

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OHS 40kgx5 (30, 30, 35, 35, 40, 40) Did some mixed weights to get goin'- In the end it felt so good I know I could have pulled out 40's for all sets w/o problems.
Rest 1 min
Max number of pullups
Approximate: 14, 8,8,9,8, (5 to finish up)
Rest 1min
4x500m rest 3 min - rowed timed 1:55/500 m as the meter on all the machines were not workin'.
Finished with a lamb lunch (the mashed potatoes are only for show :-)
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday press & Wednesday Deadlifts!!
Here's this week's sets so far- I'm two sets in and are enjoying the summer weeks.
I'll do a re cap of the past weeks that have been quite good performances at CrossFit Nordic.
Dag1- 19 July:
5+5 Shoulderpresses+pushpresses (30kgx1, 35kgx2, 40kgx2)
(5 axelpressar direkt följt av 5 pushpressar)
vila 2 min
Frontsquatx5 50kg
(3 sek ned 2 sek i botten explosivt upp 1 sek i toppen Lika höga armbågar i botten)
vila 2min
3 varv av på tid av:
5 PU
10 KTE
15 thrusters 30kg
Did not get exact time as I got in to a chat with a new buddy about the Crossfit cert. in Denmark in August we're both are going to!!
Dag2 - 21 July
Went up early and went straight to the gym- felt great to start fresh in the morning with lifting weights.
Marklyft 5x100kg 3 sek paus precis nedanför knäna varje repetition där du svankar till rygggen och bröstar upp dig extra mycket.
vila 30 sek
max antal dips (15,15,15,10+5, 16)
vila 3min
21-15-9 reps på tid av:
Obrutna burpees
approximate 8 min - really felt the pushups muscles working hard :)
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I'll do a re cap of the past weeks that have been quite good performances at CrossFit Nordic.
Dag1- 19 July:
5+5 Shoulderpresses+pushpresses (30kgx1, 35kgx2, 40kgx2)
(5 axelpressar direkt följt av 5 pushpressar)
vila 2 min
Frontsquatx5 50kg
(3 sek ned 2 sek i botten explosivt upp 1 sek i toppen Lika höga armbågar i botten)
vila 2min
3 varv av på tid av:
5 PU
10 KTE
15 thrusters 30kg
Did not get exact time as I got in to a chat with a new buddy about the Crossfit cert. in Denmark in August we're both are going to!!
Dag2 - 21 July
Went up early and went straight to the gym- felt great to start fresh in the morning with lifting weights.
Marklyft 5x100kg 3 sek paus precis nedanför knäna varje repetition där du svankar till rygggen och bröstar upp dig extra mycket.
vila 30 sek
max antal dips (15,15,15,10+5, 16)
vila 3min
21-15-9 reps på tid av:
Obrutna burpees
approximate 8 min - really felt the pushups muscles working hard :)
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Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wide deadlifts & Pushpress PR! (last weeks exciting recap)
Still a bit behind on the blog, but aiming to recap and get into the present! Actually had a great workout today at CrossFit Nordic with lot's a focus on Olympic Lifts & a Wednesday session at Sats that I'll write about tomorrow.
Sunday 20 June
I worked out on my own @ Sats Tule. Headed down there before lunch to have a go at:
Warm Up w. Agility
Wide-grip deadlifts 5x5 100kg mixed w. Maximum reps of pullups;
-For the pullpups I was approx 12,10,8,8,8. The deadlifts were quite challenging as the wide-grip makes the exercise a completly different feel and execution.
Run 5x 200m @ 12% incline, mixed w 5x 10 burpees.
- Cardio at its' best :-) The inclince running gives a good run for sure, burpees no problem, but the running pushed me this Sunday!
Monday 21 June
Switched to Monday from the sceduled Tuesday @ CrossFit Nordic
WU with Rowing 500m.
Went straight into Rowin 3x500 w. target to reach below 1:55. I managed to dothe best rowing I've ever done.
Then lot's of work on the Pushpress with various weights leading up to new Personal Best at 60 kg. This was a great breakthrough and a good performance to build on. We did solid sets with weights reps of 2x5 40kg -50 kg and 3-1 reps leading up to 60 kg.
Finished with 3x10 Ring Dips(10 being new PR) mixed with3x5 Shoulderpress and the Pushpress @ 20kg.
I then headed to Rome for Anthony Robbins and Unleash the Power Within! Did the firewalk and so on and had a great time!
Sunday 27 June
Came home on Sunday the 27:e and did this week homework of:
Jumping Squats
Burpee in-to jump
Time approx 17 min -- and sweathin like a big in our living room :-)
Sunday 20 June
I worked out on my own @ Sats Tule. Headed down there before lunch to have a go at:
Warm Up w. Agility
Wide-grip deadlifts 5x5 100kg mixed w. Maximum reps of pullups;
-For the pullpups I was approx 12,10,8,8,8. The deadlifts were quite challenging as the wide-grip makes the exercise a completly different feel and execution.
Run 5x 200m @ 12% incline, mixed w 5x 10 burpees.
- Cardio at its' best :-) The inclince running gives a good run for sure, burpees no problem, but the running pushed me this Sunday!
Monday 21 June
Switched to Monday from the sceduled Tuesday @ CrossFit Nordic
WU with Rowing 500m.
Went straight into Rowin 3x500 w. target to reach below 1:55. I managed to dothe best rowing I've ever done.
Then lot's of work on the Pushpress with various weights leading up to new Personal Best at 60 kg. This was a great breakthrough and a good performance to build on. We did solid sets with weights reps of 2x5 40kg -50 kg and 3-1 reps leading up to 60 kg.
Finished with 3x10 Ring Dips(10 being new PR) mixed with3x5 Shoulderpress and the Pushpress @ 20kg.
I then headed to Rome for Anthony Robbins and Unleash the Power Within! Did the firewalk and so on and had a great time!
Sunday 27 June
Came home on Sunday the 27:e and did this week homework of:
Jumping Squats
Burpee in-to jump
Time approx 17 min -- and sweathin like a big in our living room :-)
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