Went to the SATS gym at St. Eriksplan (used to be the famous Polar studios) to do day #2 workout. I was supposed to squeeze it in yesterday, but it was not to be and I was also quite sore from Saturday's workout. The gym is located really close to were I live, but not the one I use the most--that will change 'though! I 'm planning to use it regulary for the 3rd workout session each week that I do on my own without PT. I really had a good experience today and all the lifts went very well and was fun to do.
Day # 2 (from last week-covering Sunday)
WU (Agility, Vrängningar, Squats, pushups, Situps)
Bench press 5 x 5 65 kg
Deadlifts 5 x 5 100 kg
30 Pullups (broken up in various combination)
Dinner: Broccoli and Salmon

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