Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thursday set and 2 w preparations

Workout with trainer, great to be back doin' regular sets-although we still kept down the cardio intensity. This workout was in preparation for a two week period of on-my-own sessions-a bit similar to the run I did in May. Interesting to see what the tasks will be and the results it will give.

WU agility and vrängningar
Pushup-position agility training
Headstaning - technique and 1 min total in correct position
Back squats 3x5 80 kg
Pullups (big grip) 3 x 10

Great food today: Kvarg for breakfast, Salmon for lunch, Steak for Dinner. Tasted CrossFitDaves Beef Jerky that was very good. Will try to make my own down the line. Also tomorrow we will have a big surprise for dinner courtesy of Dave!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Doin' Cover-ups at Polar

New cover-up maintenance set at Polar Studios / SATS St. Eriksbron. Getting ready for Thursday's mainset!

WU w. 30 pushups and 30 situps etc..
Knees to Elbows 5 x 1o (10, 5+5, 5+5, 5+5, 10)
OHS 5 x 5 30 kg - went really good.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Deadlifts at Polar Studios!

Went to the SATS gym at St. Eriksplan (used to be the famous Polar studios) to do day #2 workout. I was supposed to squeeze it in yesterday, but it was not to be and I was also quite sore from Saturday's workout. The gym is located really close to were I live, but not the one I use the most--that will change 'though! I 'm planning to use it regulary for the 3rd workout session each week that I do on my own without PT. I really had a good experience today and all the lifts went very well and was fun to do.

Day # 2 (from last week-covering Sunday)
WU (Agility, Vrängningar, Squats, pushups, Situps)
Bench press 5 x 5 65 kg
Deadlifts 5 x 5 100 kg
30 Pullups (broken up in various combination)

Dinner: Broccoli and Salmon

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday fun! Maintain

#1 workout finished - I changed the shoulder pressed to 6 x 4 40kg instead of 5x5. Did the pullups 10-5-5-5-5 in between sets.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, November 20, 2009


There have been some bumps in the road for this weeks workout planning -- a sore throat has put a stop to the regular two 1h full-out training sessions.

The plan for the week is to do two sessions of lifting to maintain strength, but to keep down cardio intensity. I'm shooting for Friday and Sunday -- Here's the homework:

Day #1

Shoulder presses 5 x 5 40 kg
Back squats 5 x5 70kg
30 Pullups

Day # 2

Bench press 5 x 5 65 kg
Deadlifts 5 x 5 100kg
30 Pullups

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday sweet and short!

Went down to the gym on Sunday to do a shorter set to maintain and keep up performance. Good to be finally doin' the "infamous" 3rd weekly set! I was planing to finish with running 5 x 400 m 16km/h - but pulled out due to felling a bit off after having a bad throat (really want to avoid any types of colds and pending illnesses).

WU: Agility, 10 situps, 10 pushups etc.
Benchpress: 5 x 5 60kg
Deadlifts: 5 x 5 90 kg
Pullups: 10

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pullup PR & Backsquat Focus

Workout with trainer after Tuesday's self training--objective was to test the last weeks programming and see the achievement especially on back squats and shoulder presses. Key to success in heavy lifting is keeping constant focus and do each rep one at the time. As seen below I needed a 2nd trial and some pepping to achieve the wanted results of 9 reps, instead of pulling out after a mental stop at 5 reps -- and important lesson learned!

WO : the usual with focus on agility and preparation for lifts.

Shoulder Presses:
Various intervals with objective to reach nine reps of 42,5. I did 6 reps in the end.
5 x 30 kg (t b c)
5 x 30 kg (t b c)
6 x 42,5 kg

New Pull-up PR: 16 reps performed with great control.

Various intervals of 5 x 75/85/90 kg (t b c)
9 x 90 kg
Highlight was reaching 9 reps a 90kg. I stopped after five reps on the first trial of nine, and had to really pull myself together and focus hard to get to nine. Nice performance after all and I felt good when it was done.

Finished with 30 Burpee-Pullups. Time approx 5.30 min.

Celebrated with some nice lamb chops w. salsa for dinner

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Off to the gym late on tuesday by myself to complete a light set to coverup from last week and prepare for Thursday's training.

WU: Vrängningar, Agility, Squats, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 burpees

Approx 2 km running - at 15 km/h split in 800m, 600m, 400m, 600 m

30-20-10 reps of Kettlebell swings (24kg) and Dips

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Music Matters!

Headed to the Sats Tule gym on Thursday to complete the "ordered sets" from Trainer David (@ Crossfit Dave). Objective was to keep up Bench and Back squats for the week and get a good cardio-workout as I did the sets w/o PT. While running I cranked my IShuffle pre-loaded with kick-ass Bristish rock band The Wildhearts, and it really did the trick as I've never been running with such determination and ease.

WO: Vrängningar, Agility, Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Situps & 10 Burpees

Back Squats 3 x 5 50 kg

Bench Press 3 x 5 50 kg

Knees to Elbows 15-10-5
Pushups 30-20-10
Squats 30-20-10

Run on treadmill 2k at 14 km/h
Time: 8:45 min

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Practice Hang and Power Cleans

Monday and a useful workout with lots of technique and also an effective metcon that got the muscles and cardio up to speed!

WO with vrängningar, agility, squats and burpees

Technique and lift practice for Hang Cleans and Power Cleans. Check out for info.

3 x 3 x 40 kg Clean Hang Power Cleans (including shoulder press at the end)
In between Pullups and kipping practice

Metcon: 5x15
Deadlifts 60 kg
Time: 8:24 min