Still felt a bit sore, but in a good way after Sundays's workout at the obstacle course. Tuesday's set included the following highlights:
Overhead squats 5x45kg, 1x50kg (PR). Aimed for 5 on 50 kg but worked on getting "comfortable" with the 50kg and getting into position to achive 5 next time. Really cool as the OHS's are starting to go really good, and it also provides a great challenge as the weights get heavier and total control has to be maintained all thorough the squats.
Finished with a dynamic Chipper: 75 pushups, 50 kettle-bell swings (24kg), 50 dips, 30 pullups. 24.04 min!
Plugs: Went to see the rock band Black Stone Cherry live @ Görta Källare on Monday, and the Stand Up talent Pablo Francisco on Tuesday. Check them both out for great music and fun!
Food: Been crazy with Mexican food lately and use it as my weekly guilty pleasure. I am working on various variations of Taco, Enchilada and Burritos.
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