Sunday, July 29, 2012

Clean Improvement & Friday Cindy

Friday set mid-day @ CrossFit Nordic

Warmup and stretching - Bar exercices

Clean warm-up & Technique 

10 min - 10 sets -- at the start of each minute:
2 Clean followed by 1 Push-press (both 52,5 kg)

I continue to improve as last weeks set was with 50kg weight. These sets felt good!!

Modified Cindy 
3 Rounds of 3sets in each with 2 min in between of

5 Pullups 
10 Pushups
15 Squats

at the least set we switched to
10 pullups
5 pushups
15 squats 

in total: 60 pullups, 75 pushcups & 135 squats

Overall a great day of training!

FOOD IMPROVEMENT to eat more vegetables -- Veggies now is a must and I'm making sure I get my fill so I can continue to eat great meat, chicken & fish! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Helen on Friday (20 July)

Friday workout @ Crossfit Nordic - 20 July.

Tuesday's set felt good and was still a' bit sore in the legs from the cleans and outside workout  !

Warm up (bar exercises) & stretching the back!

On the minute 10 minutes of 3x
Front Squats - 60 kg

Over Head Squats  (OHS)
3x5 40 kg


3 rounds of
400 meter running
21 Kettle bell swings 24kg
12 Pullups

Time approx 11-12 min (have to check the exact time)

I've stepped up my training, but not written in a while -- this will change as it's very usable to keep track of performance and workouts throughout!