Monday, January 16, 2012

Gym work with Clean and HSPU

Thursday 12 January @ CrossFit Nordic

Warm-up and agility

Burpees (w/u the pushups) - as fast as possible

Various Clean - and bar exercises for technique up to 60 kg in sets of 3
- We really focused on getting technique, from quickly sitting down to having the feet in exact position doing these lifts over and over...

HSPU - Hand stand pushups
3 sets of 5, 6 (aiming for 7) , 5 (aiming for 7) reps in between clean 
Overall happy with my performance - my personal best is 8, an I am not so far away right now.

* 3 sets of 9-7-5 reps of
Clean (50kg)

*The kipping pull-ups goes great throughout, although I had to stop in between the first set of clean with 50kg as I did not have the flow to crank them out. 50 feels heavy to do 9 in a row. I stopped in the 2nd round of 7 cleans. This is a great exercise keeping the blood pumping -- as a punishment for taking some time I  had to do extra burpees so overall I had good "fluster". I'll work on the quick clean approach and get the machine going!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Comeback at SATS

Today's exercise was at Sats St. Eriksbron

Started with agility and warmup - 21 Kettle bellswings (24kg), 3x 10 Pushups, Situps, Squats & Lounge Stretch & 10 Front Squats.

Focus was to get back working on the Clean and get quicker movements -

40kgx3, 45kgx3, 50kgx3, 55kgx2 2x2x60kg 1x65kg (ok -not the best lift today)

Front Squat
30 Front squat 50 kg -start with bar on the ground. I did 3x10 in fast tempo.

Knees To Elbows 2x10

Bench Press

All in all a step in the right direction as I've put in 2 good set this week -- I've had a lower frequency for some weeks (I'll post the last two weeks gym-sets tmrw) but it felt good today and I'll show for 3 sets a week to get better shape and more energy!