New week and new challenges. I'm doing a different set up of exercises these two weeks, using a program to be able to get in best possible shape on my own and starting out with regular PT training with CrossFit Dave again in mid December.
Due to a late start to the daily program, I'm combining two session in one day to catchup to the daily schedule.
Went out this morning and did the following set --originally for 30/11:
Shoulder presses 5x5 35 kg (barbell not available, so I used 2x14 & 2x16 dumbells to do the sets)
5 x 8 Pullups Wide Grip mixed with Headstanding 15 sec
-Headstaning went great, Pullups really fine until last set where I did a "retake" to get 8. Shoulder presses ok, but I'll get back to them when I'm at the other gym and can use the barbell.
I went for the 3 km run later in the day (originally set for 1/12), 14 km/h on time. Did 2 km on 9:19 min, and took a short break before doin' the last 1 km (4.30). Although an incomplete and a bit' of a compromise (I will re-do the 3km run) the 2km felt really good--as I've cut the cardio for a week and half due to a bit of a bad throat. No problems now.
I've also found an adjecent gym that will have complete free weights, so I'll be able to complete deadlifts, OHS etc in good spirit!
Bra att du ska göra om 3km, du fixar den hastigheten, det sitter bara i huvudet. Vid löpning gäller det att aldrig stanna, då är det svårt att komma igång igen.
ReplyDeleteRetakes är inte tillåtna vid de här seten jag har satt upp, klarar du inte åtta. Då får du vila tills du klarar åtta.