Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pushpress Jumps and OHS

I have scheduled 1h workouts on Tuesday and Wednesday this week to be able to complete the standard two sets a week (+ option for a third on the weekend). Started out today in great form working on technique and getting a good cardio workout. Key takeaways are to get kipping going for the pullups, and the "jumping" for pushpresses. Will take some more time to get it right, but will be worth the effort when it's there!

WU: Agility exercises, Squats, Pushups, Situps etc.

Mainset: OHS 5x20 kg, 5x30 kg, 2x5 35 kg. Working on kipping hip movements, inbetween 10-5-5 pullups (wide grip). Pushpress technique lifts/jumps. Ended with 4min Tababta running (8x20 sec, 10sec break in between. Incline 12%, Speed 12 km/h)

Food: Curd with berries for breakfast, "Pork/bacon-pancake" (Fläskpankaka) for lunch, and Cornfed-chicken tortilla with vegetables and melon sides for dinner!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday and Deadlifts!

Thursday's set consisted of great variation and good results. I was feeling a bit off after the weekend traveling and took it easy and did not do the regular Tuesday set and opted for 1 regular gym workout.

Started with WO and then working quite a bit on Headstanding pushups. Next up was Deadlifts with highlights: 2x3 120 kg and various combinations leading up it. We were aiming for a third 3x120 kg set, but I stopped after the first lift. Although I am very happy with the performance. Then onto Pullups in 3 sets with 15-10-5 reps mixed with Knees To Elbows.

Ended the set with a circle of 30-20-10 Kettlebell swings (34 kg) and Situps. Time 6:32. Great mental workout as I was hesitant to go through with the swings in the begining but found great rhythm and technique and pulled it of very well!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Frankfurt workout

Went to Frankfurt for the International Auto Show for the weekend. Managed to squeeze a in morning workout Sunday morning: 200 m warmup and then 2 km running on the treadmill. Time 10 min. Finished with "usual 3x10" morning squats, pushups, and situps and then onto to the relax with bubblepool before an amazing breakfast.

Friday, September 18, 2009

OHS PR- Hell Yeah!

Thursday : Had a really busy (and effective!!) day runnin' around fixing errands and was eating quite shitty during the day, but put my self together and did an excellent crossfit performance, achieving new PRs and all-round great results. It was quite important for me to do good on the overhead squats (OHS) to regain what was missing from Tuesday's session.

Today's learning point was also not to compromise and followthrough with the daily food intake. Better to skip "a bad food lunch" and have some water and then get it right later in the day.

Various agility exercises and squats

OHS 5x20kg, 5x40kg, 5x42,5 kg (PR), 3x45 kg (new PR)
Mixed with Knees To Elbows: 13-10-8

3x 500 m Row mixed with Pushups 40-30-20 (90 total)
Time: 11.37 min

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday and overtime!!

Tuesday's training was a bit extended and took about 1 1/2 h. I opted or rather, was forced to focus a bit more on technique for OHS and bar-bell moves during the ordinary time to get the moves right again. To complete the cardio part I stayed on and joined a 45 min "boot camp" group training set led by David Englund. The session was quite fun and did the trick to get the cardio and sweat rolling!!

First 1h:
* Extensive WU with squats and agility training.

* Next up OHS where after the initial set of 5x20kg bar I missed the 5x40 kg reps by lack of focus, the arms and shoulders were not jiving with my head, and I opted to get back to technique. OHS comeback on Thursday-- weird as last week was full of PR's! Also did some kipping practice to incorporate with pull-ups.

* Ended with a circle of 21-15-9 Back squats (60 kg) mixed with pull-ups. Time within 20min. Backsquats complete set; the pull-up sets were broken up in parts.

Boot camp group training:
* WO: Agility stretches, pushups and situps

* Circle: 4 stations, 5 rounds, one minute on each:
Kettlebell Swings, Box Jumps, Thrusters, "Plankan"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

PR HSPU and OHS/KTE Circle

Started with various stretching exercises, adding some new variations that are very useful for staying agile. Then a circle of 21-15-9 reps doin' OHS (using the 20 kg barbell) and mixed with Knees to Elbows. Time approx 10 min. Solid performance and went for completing the reps in good spirit which worked great for OHS.

Next up was Head standing Pushups where we focused a great deal on getting the hang of continuous repetitions. Ended up with a new PR of 3 in a row. Did about 3x3 and reached one and two reps several times as I was pushing on to reach as many as possible. All in all great as I will start to grow the number of reps now when I have a good foundation. We'll all so remove the head support to reach lower as we go on.

Ended with Tabata running. The set up is familiar: treadmill 8x 20 sec running / 10 sec rest, incline 12, speed about 12-14kg/h. Funny thing is that I quit after 6 rounds this time around making the Tabata incomplete. Sucks big time, but I'll try to get back at it for the weekend set.

Breakfast: 2 Eggs and 100g Ham

Lunch: Sushi (Error on my part as I might had too little food to maximize today’s trading performance--see Tabata)

Dinner: US Entrecote and Broccoli

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

50 circle and new PR OHS!

Great wortkout yesterday and well used 1 h of training! New PR in OHS with 2x45 kg, also did 5x40 kg. Overhead Squats can be a "devil", but I am actually looking forward to doin' them. The excercise has everything: coordination, strength, gymnastics, you have to be 100% focused to 'em right and they look really cool! We then went for a kick-ass circle mimicking part of CrossFit SM first heat:

50 deadlifts, 90kg
50 Burpees
50 Kettle Bell Swings, 24 kg
500 m run

My time: 20:12 min. Really cool to do and I'm very proud of my performance doin' the 50 deadlifts, at the end it's the cardio that kicks up the fluster after the Burpees and Kettle Bells.

Breakfast: Kvarg Mix
Lunch: Chicken Caesar Salad + Smoothie from Blueberry NK
Dinner: Entrecote, Asparagus, Beans and Mixed Sallad

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pix: Ramsay, CrossfitDave

Here's two cool photos I'd like to share
Pix #1: Personal Trainer David Englund right after his final set at CrossFit SM (see hand) and my fiancé Tünde Ternai. CrossFit Nordics arrangement of the Swedish Championcip was an awesome event and will for sure enhance the interest of Crossfit in Sweden. Check out David's blog at http://crossfitaf.blogspot.com for inspiration and to tracking an amazing athelete and trainer!

Pix #2: Gordon Ramsay in Stockholm at NK signing books from today!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

OHS, Medicine and Steak

Thursday's CrossFit workout consisted of good variation of strength and cardio with steady overall performance. Highlights: OHS 2x4 40 kg -- was aiming for 2x5 put pulled out after 4; Back Squats 3x5 80 kg; In between: Knees To Elbows 15 and 12 reps.

Ended with a circle of Medicine Ball (4,5 kg) throwing it up against a wall, 30/20/10 reps mixed with 3x400 m running. Time:_ min.

Dinner: Steak and Broccoli

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shoulder Presses (PR) and "new" Deadlifts

Continuing from last weeks CrossFit with great overall results and energy flow. Achived a new PR in shoulder presses with 5x45kg after doin' 5x35kg and 5x40kg. Also put the new Deadlift technique to use and did bursts 3x 100kg, 3x110 and 3x 120kg. Finished with a circle of 5 sets of 10 Inverted Burpees (first for m) and 5 Headstands in between. Definition of exercise below as found on the web:

inverted burpee

    The inverted burpee is essentially moving your body from lying flat on your back to a handstand position. The amount of work required is similar to a burpee, but the inverted burpee is more technical.

    1. Start lying on the ground on your back.
    2. Do an explosive sit-up and rock forward to a squatting position.
    3. Kick up into a handstand against a wall.
    4. Kick back down and return to lying on your back.

    Made som tasty Fajitas for dinner using cornfed chicken, also keeping up with the steaks! Have to share a pix of a classic dead (the way we like 'em) Vasastan rat from outside our apt. building.