Hey! Here's the recap for the rest of the week -- Thursday to Sunday. Performed a 1 h Crossfit session on Thursday at Sats Tule: Practicing headstanding and new technique for HS-pushups. On to Deadlifts using the new technique that I learned last week. We're aiming high and want to go way over my currrent PR that is 137,5 kg, and are starting to build solid performance. Today we went to 2x5x 110 kg, also doing 2x5 100 kg etc.. Ended the set with 3x 400 m, 15-12-9 Kettlebell swings (24 kg), 12 pushups. I'm quite happy with my current cardio performance, that has never been better. Celebrated with some good US entrecote (again amazing taste) and 1 glas of Chablis ;-). Here's a funny thing I cought this morning on TV-- the great chef Anthony Bourdain made a comment about "any monkey can cook a beef" -- ha ha .. I will try to learn some new good dishes as we go along! (the 2nd pix is a new Tünde speciality)

Friday was Estelle's 1 year birthday and an amazing day in good company. Then on to Saturday: Tünde's dad Lajos was showing some of his Karate moves at Karlberg (see pix) as we were going to the obstacle course-- He's been training martial arts for along time and is now showing great interest in crossfit to further develop his skills. This is the 3rd time in three weeks I'm attacking the course and was looking for some improvements in time and technique.
My 1st run was a new PR of 6:03 min, but on the 2nd run I managed a new and improved PR 5:35 min! Felt awsome as I still easily can fix some improvements. It also helped as Lajos and "Bogie" were filming and keeping track of my performance! My objective is under 5 min before the end of the summer.

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