Started the day with hitting a bucket of golf balls! I've started playing golf again--got new Callaway clubs and I am reday to go! Last time I played was '05 so it's really a comeback! I've booked a refresh training day on August 9, and my aim is to get a steady game and pass 36 this season. Next up is to get a handicap below 24 early-on next season. It would be really cool to be able to play at Bro Hof (see pix of this amazing plaze). Went for lunch there today (The Castle :-) )and it was some place to see. 

It was then time today for a tough 1 h CrossFit set at Sats Tule. Started with mobility exercises and had a first try at "pistols" with help from David the Trainer. On to OHS where I managed to get a new PR 6x40 kg, which felt great!
Next up was 2x Tabata (1 Tabata is 4 min of 20 sec on, 10 sec off) with Deadlifts (80 kg), mixed with Burpees. Eight minutes that really got the heart punding. Then on to 2xTabata of Push Press and Squats.