Another Beautiful and sunny day, and time for crossfit again!
Managed to avoid the right-now crazy Stockholm traffic and got to the gym in good time for today's session. It's been two weeks of insane summer-inner-city traffic due to construction and Volvo Ocean Race (takes about 15 min for me to get to work and 1h 15 min to drive home)..
PR in OHS 2x5x 35 kg and 2x5 30 kg -felt good as the Over Head Squats needs to be executed perfectly and needs great lithe. In between 1x 13 (PR) and approx. 2x10 Knees to Elbows--it's an exercise I really enjoy! Finished with five rounds: 5x5x 100 kg Deadlifts matched with 5x10 Dips. Time 10 min. All in all a great set. I'll build on this weeks two 1 h set with some cardio in the weekend by running outside.
Had a great dinner at Mården, across the Tule Sats Gym -- Spoiled myself with the "Sugar and citrus glaced duckbreast with summer risotto and sage gravy" as seen below. Awesome Flavour as Ramsay would have pointed out!

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