Tuesday and a new 1 h crossfit set at Sats Tule. I was quite happy with the results for this day in the swelling summer heat. I set a new PR in bench press 90 kg! It's been almost a year since I practiced bench press and got the last PR of 77,5 kg, so the pullups and pushups have done the trick well. So the next aim is to get to 100 kg.
Next up was shoulder presses 3x 3x40 kg mixed with 3x10 pullups.
Finshed with Tabata running -- incline 12, Speed 12. 20 sec running, 10 sec rest in 8 intervals= 4 min effective training.
Food: Fixing 4 servings of Fläskpanka for the week!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday Outdoors - Whatever Works!
Sunday was great --finally getting on with the Obstacle Course! Met up with Crossfit Dave (see link to the right) for some weekend Crossfit. We went through the Military Obstacle Course at Karlberg- one round is 500m and features 20 obstacles. At first I had to do some work to actually get used to the heights and jumps --after that it was all about cardio and get to work.

I will get on with this as a challange to myself in the summer to get competetive and get new PRs'. My 1st round (ever) : 8 min 20 sec, 2nd round: 7min 10 sec...more to come. Finished with Ring dips 3x5 reps and some change! Also a bit of Headstanding and Dive Bomber (will be a future stretch exercise for me) technique as a finish.
Looking forward to the new Woody Allen Movie with the awesome and super-funny Larry David. Also dig the title "Whatever Works"!

Saturday Burger

Here's a late recap that I was going to post on Saturday: Burger time!
The Burger: 500g ground meat, 2 egg yolk, 1 green onion, BBQ sauce. Mix and let it stay for 30-60 min. Cook and Enjoy.
I used avacado, tomato and salad, and a homemade Tiger BBQ Sauce!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
PR and some Duck!

Another Beautiful and sunny day, and time for crossfit again!
Managed to avoid the right-now crazy Stockholm traffic and got to the gym in good time for today's session. It's been two weeks of insane summer-inner-city traffic due to construction and Volvo Ocean Race (takes about 15 min for me to get to work and 1h 15 min to drive home)..
PR in OHS 2x5x 35 kg and 2x5 30 kg -felt good as the Over Head Squats needs to be executed perfectly and needs great lithe. In between 1x 13 (PR) and approx. 2x10 Knees to Elbows--it's an exercise I really enjoy! Finished with five rounds: 5x5x 100 kg Deadlifts matched with 5x10 Dips. Time 10 min. All in all a great set. I'll build on this weeks two 1 h set with some cardio in the weekend by running outside.
Had a great dinner at Mården, across the Tule Sats Gym -- Spoiled myself with the "Sugar and citrus glaced duckbreast with summer risotto and sage gravy" as seen below. Awesome Flavour as Ramsay would have pointed out!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
New Week!

Wow, a week has passed since the last update. I was supposed to do 1h crossfit traing last Thursday but pushed it back at last minute as we had to get ready for midsummer and do preparations. Pissed me of a bit (only me to blame), and I only kept up with morning-maintanance training and lot's a long walks throughout the weekend. On a side note, got hooked on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart again, and I am keeping up with Conan on the new Tonite Show --Good American TV :-)
Anways, today was a great set. Stretching and headstanding. Preparations and a mini-Fran run 15-12-9 reps of Thruster (30 kg) and Pullups See the pix of Annie in Springfield (click on the pix) showing of Thrusters. Great cardio workout, and got me back into motion. Looking forward to new set on Thursday.
Lunch: Beef Bourgogne
Dinner: Salmon and Vegetables
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1 h Crossfit set today --Lot's a work, but also achieved great results. We worked on technique for squats and in the end I got a new PR on OHS (3x35kg). Finished with a combination of Backsquats at 72,5 kg (same as my current weight -- down from about 80 kg when I started crossfit!) and Pullups. Reps 21-15-9 (6 pullups in the last round).
Feels great when the sets were over, although I really had to get my head together to punch through when the going got tough. That's the charm and challange with crossfit and doing heavy weights "a la no pain no gain" and to get ouside the comfort zone to achive the best results!
The pix is from my Renault Diesel -- did a 8 euro miles highway driving to get rid of the exhaust (clean the diesel particle filter), as I normally only do city driving. Oh Well!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday: Ended the week with a run of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of Burpees and Situps. Time 8.02 min. It's a quick and fun run that works up the sweat. Also practiced headstands. I'm ready for next week with Tuesday and Thursday being the days for 1h training.
The pix is for fun and taken in Ljungby for the celebration of our National day (june 6th).
Also checkout the link below for Audio-Books:
Friday, June 12, 2009
Two in a Row

Two in a row : The 1h crossfit sets Wednesday and Thursday did the trick! I really felt the 1st day as it was time to attack the weigts the next day. Started out with Headstinding working on balance, followed by box jumps 3x10. Next Backsquats, the idea was to do 20x90 kg --but I was not up for it this time and quit in the middle. The finish was better with a run of 4 reps of: Deadlifts 5x100 kg (total 20), mixed with 10 lunge jumps (total 50). I'll recover this weekend and do some running and get back to new challanges next week!
Tonites dinner was a great Steak and a Radish salad (w. eggs).
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The SVEN run
Great getting back to a regular crossfit set:
First 3x5 OHS for warm up, followed by a run dubbed "the-Sven-run" 75 pushups, 50 kettlebell (24 kg), 50 dips, 30 pullups and ended with Headstanding Pushups (althoug not complete I will continue with focusing on HSPU tomorrow--target is 20!) all on time (Approx 27 min).
Tonites dinner: Salmon and Broccoli
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Here's the proof --Electric Boys are back! From the official comeback gig at Sweden Rock on Saturday. Awesome set and Conny Bloom is setting a new standard for what a frontman is supposed to deliver!
As you can see the weekend training has been about the morning routine and some headstands. It's been a bit busy with the festival and travelling around so the regular crossfit runs has been postponed to next week.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ribs after Crossfit
Today's crossfit set was a good mix of exercises that kept me working hard. A couple of sets of OHS to get back in the flow; back to heavy lifting with Deadlifts 3x 5 x 110 kg; 5 HSPU (headstanding pushups); and a run of 9-6-3 Knees to Elbows and Thrusters.
Dinner favorite Ribs!
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