Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Personal Best - OHS!

Headed to CrossFit Nordic yesterday evening, following last weeks Sunday (19/9)  and Monday 20/9) workout-sets which had created some good momentum pushing out some of my best performances with new PR's  - I'll put these up. Had a hectic week with some traveling that made me postpone the planned Friday and Sunday mini-workouts, although no real excuse -- I was looking forward to Monday's workout.

28 / 9 / 2010
5 x 40 kg
3 x 45 kg
3 x 50 kg
2 x 55 kg
1 x 60 kg  --> New PR!
Kipping Pullup
10 x 3 --> Working on getting the technique right
5 varv
15 DL 60 kg
6:19 Min

--> I believe my best time yet, although the pushups took it's tool in the end as it was the end of the workout! 
Will repost an earlier entry mentioning I did this one in 6 min straight, avoiding a punishment  of 100 burpees :-)

Food: We've got a new kitchen, and the dishes are flying out. Lot's of meat/fish and vegetables. I'm also going through an India  phase trying out some classic dishes. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Under my thumb - Deadlifts!

Midday set at Crossfit Nordic last Saturday (9/11). The second set last week (Also trained on Thursday).

Started out with agility and then right on to deadlifts. Lot's of sets with varied weights, as it got heavier I started to use the thumblock for the first time. Felt a bit odd at first, but resulted in greater power on the hevy lifts. The goal is to achieve new PB within near time.

Deadlifts mixed sets reps of  5's, 3's & 2's up to 140 kg
Mixed with Ring Dips 4x8

8 Kettelbell swings 32 kg
8 Pushups

32kg is quite heavy and it's important to focus on the technique, the pushups makes the arms and chest get a real workout as the previous exercises takes it's toll.

From this Friday the new kitchen is opened!!! Lot's of exciting dishes to start on, and nice to be in full control of the foods again ;-) 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sunday 10 min AMRAP

Second day of the certification seminar, going through GHD sit-ups, kipping pull-ups and muscle-ups combined with interesting theory on nutrition and programming. All in all it was an fantastic event, that I can highly recommend.

The main exercise of the day was an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) in 10 min:

12 Medicine Ball Cleans
7 Pushups

I did about 10-11 rounds, and together with Saturday's "Helen" and constant practice 9-fundamental movements it really provided a good work out.

Below is the photo from the seminar (also featured on www.crossfit.com on the entry for Monday August 30th -- I'm right in the middle of the photo in a purple/blue sweather.